Instructor:  Prof. Oskar Vafek

E-mail: vafek’at’

Phone: (850) 644-5076


PHY5646 Meeting Times
Tue-Thu 11am-12:15pm     (HCB 317)


TA: Mr. Benjamin Thayer (Keen 522)


2nd TA: Mr. Shivakumar Rajagopalan



Office Hours:
Instructor: Tue 1:45pm-2:45pm (Keen 606)
TA: by appointment


G. Baym, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
E. Merzbacher,
Quantum Mechanics.    


PHY 5646 Quantum Mechanics B

Spring 2008



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Course Description

PHY5646 is the second semester of a two-semester graduate level sequence. Topics covered include: stationary state and time-dependent perturbation theory and applications to radiation, quantization of EM radiation field, adiabatic theorem and Berry's phase, symmetries in QM, many-particle systems, relativistic quantum mechanics, and Dirac equation.